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  • Architecture in Platres Village

  • Architecture in Platres Village

Architecture in Platres Village

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Platres was designated as a station by ambassadors and wealthy families from various nations, who constructed residences featuring distinctive architectural styles (e.g., Commonwealth, German, Maltese, Alpine, Danish, Monte Carlo).
During the Anglo-occupation, Englishmen constructed various structures in the community’s central area, including a police station, electricity building, community building and Platres hospital, all in the manner of the English countryside.
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Giorgos Seferis Hall  in Platres Village

Giorgos Seferis Hall

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Milias Venetian Bridge in Platres Village

Milias Venetian Bridge

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Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument in Platres Village

Andrea Paraskeva
Heroe Monument

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Valley of Hariton

Valley of Hariton

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  • Valley of Hariton in Platres Village

  • Valley of Hariton in Platres Village

Valley of Hariton in Platres Village

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Smothered among the extensive vegetation of towering plane and alder trees. A little further on, a stream’s water cascades from above, lending the landscape a magical beauty. The wind murmuring between the towering trees’ branches.
All these are located in the area of the Valley and are waiting for visitors to admire them. The location also contains the cafe-restaurant “The Valley of Chariton”
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Square in Platres Village


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Stelios Mavros Park in Platres Village

Stelios Mavros Park

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Giorgos Seferis Hall in Platres Village

Giorgos Seferis Hall

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Stelios Mavros Park

Stelios Mavros Park

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  • Stelios Mavros Park in Platres Village

  • Stelios Mavros Park in Platres Village

Stelios Mavros Park in Platres Village

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Formerly an ardent supporter and defender of Archbishop Makarios III and democracy. Throughout the period of the civil war in Cyprus (1971-1974). In January 1974, he was brutally murdered in an ambush on the road K. Platron – Finiou.

Maro Mavrou – Koukkoulis is the daughter of Platres native Stelios Mavros and his wife Eleni (née Athanatos).

He was a baker who owned a patisserie.

During the liberation struggle, he joined EOKA and was a part of a group of fighters who devised the plan to blow up the English governor’s helicopter when he visited Platres. On January 23, 1957, he was sentenced to two years in prison “for providing assistance to terrorism”

In remembrance of him, the Platres community erected a bust, which is set in the park that was renamed in his honour.

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Giorgos Seferis Hall  in Platres Village

Giorgos Seferis Hall

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Milias Venetian Bridge in Platres Village

Milias Venetian Bridge

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Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument in Platres Village

Andrea Paraskeva
Heroe Monument

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Glafkos Clerides Square

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  • Square in Platres Village

  • Square in Platres Village

Square in Platres Village

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Located at the heart of the hamlet, lies the central square, serving as a gathering point for leisurely strolls, culinary indulgence, and refreshments. The region exhibits a notable prevalence of colonial architecture, particularly in its public edifices.
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Stelios Mavros Park  in Platres Village

Stelios Mavros Park

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Giorgos Seferis Hall in Platres Village

Giorgos Seferis Hall

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Milias Venetian Bridge in Platres Village

Milias Venetian Bridge

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Athletic Sports Center

Athletic Sports Center

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  • Athletic Sports Center  in Platres Village

  • Athletic Sports Center  in Platres Village

Athletic Sports Center  in Platres Village

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Surrounded by green slopes, in the heart of the Troodos mountain range, and situated at an altitude of 1050 metres, the village of Platres has always stood out for its unique splendour, picturesqueness, and favourable climate. Elements which made it known, beyond the borders of small Cyprus, inspiring and attracting personalities from all over the globe.

Adapting the data to today’s reality, which was designed and developed, seeks to provide professional athletes and amateurs alike with the opportunity to play sports in modern building facilities and high-quality sports fields.

This contemporary sports centre has facilities for football, mini-soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, handball, and the gym. It also has comfortable changing rooms and a very welcoming cafeteria as necessitated by the tradition of Cypriot hospitality.

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 Psilodentro Area  in Platres Village

Psilodentro Area

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Valley of Hariton in Platres Village

Valley of Hariton

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Square in Platres Village


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Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis

Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis

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  • Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

  • Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

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It is a magnificent structure with exquisite architecture, made of marble and surrounded by the native stone of the mountain.

It was constructed in 1936 and is situated on Kaledonias Street directly across from the Valley of Graces. On the epitaph, the name of Roxani P. Koudounari, who funded the entire endeavour, is inscribed. Thousands of domestic and international tourists assuage their thirst at the fountain in Roxani.

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 Old Oak Perennial Tree in Platres Village

Old Oak Perennial Tree

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Athletic Sports Center in Platres Village

Athletic Sports Center

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Psilodentro Area in Platres Village

Psilodentro Area

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Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument

Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument & Community Park

Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument & Community Park

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  • Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument in Platres Village

  • Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument in Platres Village

Andrea Paraskeva Heroe Monument in Platres Village

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Andreas Paraskevas

Andreas Paraskevas was the son of Nikos and Kiki Paraskevas, who also had Maro Paraskevas – Stokkou as a child.

He was born in Platres and graduated from Omodos High School. He completed his military service and was preparing to go study abroad. However, he could not fulfill his dream because Black July caught up with him, losing his life on July 22, 1974.

In July 1974, when the Turks invaded Greece, Andreas promptly enlisted to fulfil his duty to the country. In the vicinity of Nicosia’s Central Prisons, he fought alongside other Greek Cypriots on the front lines. He fought valiantly, but was killed at the age of twenty-one by the enemy’s gunfire.

In his honour, the Community of Platres erected a monument of him in the area of the community’s municipal parking lot.

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Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis

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 Old Oak Perennial Tree  in Platres Village

Old Oak Perennial Tree

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 Athletic Sports Center in Platres Village

Athletic Sports Center

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Giorgos Seferis Hall

Giorgos Seferis Hall

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  • Giorgos Seferis Hall in Platres Village

  • Giorgos Seferis Hall in Platres Village

Giorgos Seferis Hall in Platres Village

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The Giorgos Seferis Hall is the venue of choice for all types of events, including exhibitions, conferences, seminars, concerts, and audio-visual screenings, and is dedicated to the spirit-filled people of Platres and, of course, the Nobel Prize-winning poet Giorgos Seferis. Eleni’s poem and verses about The ‘Ta Aidonia’ made Platres well-known not only throughout Greece, but also to Greeks all over the globe.
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Milias Venetian Bridge  in Platres Village

Milias Venetian Bridge

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Platres Heroes Monuments  in Platres Village

Andrea Paraskeva
Heroe Monument

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Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis

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Milias Venetian Bridge

Milias Venetian Bridge

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  • Milias Venetian Bridge in Platres Village

  • Milias Venetian Bridge in Platres Village

Milias Venetian Bridge  in Platres Village

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MIlia Bridge is one of the old surviving landmarks that still stand intact. It’s situated just below the village inside the forest. It provided a crossing point over Krios Potamos.
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Platres Heroes Monuments  in Platres Village

Andrea Paraskeva
Heroe Monument

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Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis in Platres Village

Fountain of Roxanne Koundouranis

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 Old Oak Perennial Tree  in Platres Village

Old Oak Perennial Tree

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Millomeris Waterfall

Millomeris Waterfall

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It is situated in the south-eastern region of Platres, one kilometre from the beginning of the “nature path” that leads there. A dirt road leads to the waterfall, from which vehicles can access it.

The name of the waterfall is likely derived from the Cypriot dialect word millos, which means wet, and the word part (millos + meros = Millomeris). They named the waterfall Millomeri as a result of the wet and chilly environment created by the Cold River’s flow. The waterfall’s water from a height of fifteen metres. This waterfall has only recently gained recognition due to the fact that its location was inaccessible until recently. However, as a result of the completed construction, the road and path that were constructed to provide access to it, the Millomeri waterfall is now one of P. Platres’s attractions and its majesty attracts a large number of visitors.


Olivemill Museum in Koilani Village
Olivemill Museum
Olivemill Museum in Koilani Village

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